Monday, March 3, 2014


We have been ill for two weeks.  Gary the first week and Kathy the next.   Kathy was not doing well.  So, we got her a blessing then went to this great old doctor.  Doctor Juarez.  A tiny little office, pink concrete walls will cracks filled with white plaster (probably from the earth quake last year), the patient bed had the same sheets on it we saw several weeks ago when we brought a missionary in.   No replaceable plastic cover on the thing that he checks ears and throat.  But, he is the nicest kindly man and very caring, which compensates for his lack of equipment.  He wrote several prescriptions and we got the medicines.  You don't need a doctor's prescription here, but, we had to know what to get.   Then, we locked down for three days.  We didn't go out of the house.  Wow, we felt like we had been put in jail!  
You can learn something from every event in your life.  We were really worried about Kathy.  She was really sick.  We gave her a priesthood blessing and instead of being healed on the spot we were led to a great doctor with the right medicine that got her better.  ( keep in mind, that here, going to the doctor, or worse, going to the hospital is like deciding to donate your organs while your still alive, it is suicide!)  Heavenly Father wants us to use our intelligence and the medicines and innovations he has blessed us with.   What a great Father!!
Here is a picture of Kathy on the roof.  We had to escape some where.

We were having such a hard time with the language.  It seemed like we had hit a wall in our progress.  We read some where that the human mind in older people could learn just as well as younger minds.  That it maintained its plasticity.  Well, we felt as though some one had poked a hole in our brains and pumped in concrete.  We finally contacted the senior missionary training center in Provo.  We knew this was going to help, because, like everything on a mission if you are going to do something that is really good, expect an attack from the dark side.  Our really bad internet service doubled their price, our computers we having problem, we couldn't get Skype going.  However, we have learned, the greater the attack, the more we fought back with prayer and faith.  We are getting help, with a great program that is professional and has focused our learning.  We are making progress for the first time in months.  And, what a blessing to be sick  locked in the house.  We got lots of studying done to give us a good head start.  We have been blessed with wonderful, amazing church! 

We attended this little branch.  It has about 40 people that attend in this tiny little building.  The priesthood amounts to five men.  Now, the way most people wash their close is with a pila.  It is a concrete thing that has a sink on one side and a concrete washboard on the other ( we have one, photo included).  The women scrub the clothes on this wash board.  They scrub really hard. And, the result, is, the white shirts on the priesthood holders in this little branch were very badly frayed.    We bought five white shirts and wrapped them like presents so that it was not a donation but a gift and gave them to the elders to take to the branch.  We called the elders this morning to see how the white shirts were received.   Well, they loved them, they went home and changed into their new shirt and came back to church.  ( their homes are right next to the church).  We were so happy, we shed a few tears.

Kathy has turned into a contact machine.  Every time we go to the market, usually to get items to keep missionaries warm,  Kathy will start talking to someone.  Then she asks if they know about our church, pointing to her plaque.  Everyone knows about Mormons. She then asks for their name and number to have the missionaries contact them to tell them more about our church.   Gary hasn't quite got the picture,  he kind of hides behind Kathy until it is time to say goodbye.  Then, we take the names and give them to the elders. 
Here is a picture of a contact.

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