One of our two zones have had four sister missionaries for as long as we have been in the mountains, since September. Gary was made a counselor in the mission presidency and we moved to the mountains and one of our main assignments was to watch after these sisters. We probably mentioned before, that, many years ago there were sister missionaries here, but, they we very disobedient along with the Elders, parties and things. And, the president at that time took the sisters out. Well, now here they are. With the sister missionaries here, baptisms have slowly increased. They bring a wonderful spirit to the mission and there are some people that respond better to sister missionaries. They have also bought out the best in the Elders. They really do work harder and are more obedient with the sisters around. We guess it must be a mixture of them trying to impress the sisters on the one hand, and, not wanting the sisters to get more baptisms then they do on the other!
We have had some trying experiences with the sisters. They have been chased, followed, and whistled at. We also had a sister that was followed and she turned around a slugged the guy. This is Sister Nielsen. A great missionary, that was really savvy and tough. Now, we have only sister missionaries that are either latino or that look latino and can run really fast.
We have been with the sister missionaries on appointments with investigators. They are amazing, like all missionaries, wonderful testimonies, not afraid to enter the most humble of homes and eat the food. Like the rest of us, we just assume we are going to get food poisoning one or two times a month.
Just this week, the president sent up three more sister missionaries. A forth will be added soon. In the past, all the sisters were in one zone. The new sisters are in the other zone. So, we have sisters covering both our zones. On their first day, the new sisters got six contacts. These sisters were put in a ward that has very little priesthood. The bishop is the only one on the stand. When we visit we sit with him. In the past, the bishop wanted only elders in his ward because he needed the help. Well, our inspired president believes in the old saying: give a man a fish and eats for a day, teach him to fish and he eats his whole life. The hope is that the sisters will covert families with men that can handle the priesthood.
Today, we visited this ward. The sisters missionaries met and talked to everyone and gave the talks in the meeting. The talks were sweet and inspired. It was a special meeting for us. We sat on the stand to keep the bishop company and we gave testimonies after the sisters talked. For, Gary, it was a very spiritual day. There was only one boy available to pass the sacrament. So, he helped. We only had about 30 people in the meeting, but, as he was passing, he had thoughts of the Savior himself passing the sacrament. It was an unbelievable spiritual experience for him.
Wednesday the new sisters arrived. The zone leaders called us and asked us it we could meet them and take them to their house. We arrived to pick them up. There were the three of them with 6 gigantic suit cases that weighed about 100 pounds each and two medium sized suit cases and back packs and bags. How Gary got us all in the little Rav4 is a miracle. We pushed 4 big suit cases in the back, stuffed two more big suit cases in the back seat. Stacked two sister in the back seat. Pushed two medium sized suit cases in the front seat and stacked the third sister on Kathy’s lap. And stuffed the rest of the stuff around the people and suit cases. The little Rav4 barely made it up the hill to their house. Gary was so happy that we made it until he noticed all the girls including Kathy were gone into house leaving him with the luggage. Now, keep in mind how old he is. He managed to carry a thousand pounds of luggage up a tiny stair case made for midgets without passing out. However, today, he is still pain.
Here are our wonderful sisters.